If your existing “partial” is a pain and a hassle, you deserve better. There are many new denture systems and materials for existing denture wearers and newbies in Dolton, Illinois, to choose from, and we are happy to discuss options with you.
You may already have gaps in your smile where teeth used to be. Perhaps you are holding on to aching teeth that cannot be “saved” with other dental treatments. In these and other cases, a partial denture (or just “partial”) may be in your future.
Partials are prosthetic teeth connected to a framework that is held by existing healthy teeth. This option may be feasible for those who still have some natural, healthy teeth. The denture may be connected to the neighboring teeth with clasps or other attachments. This type of denture is designed to be removed for cleaning.
Or, you may be familiar with dentures. You may be an “experienced” partial denture wearer who is unhappy with the feel, looks, and “wear” of your existing partial. If so, Pleasant Dental® can offer multiple options to greatly improve your satisfaction with your partial dentures.
Several types of partials are made from materials that don’t require any metal. These metal-free partials can virtually disappear in the mouth. Some use a framework that is clear. Others use frameworks that are gum or tooth colored. We offer several esthetic partial denture options.
Some materials are softer and more flexible. While others offer greater rigidity and strength. The doctors at Pleasant Dental® can guide you to the best choice for your situation and goals.
Call Pleasant Dental® today at (708) 576-1900 to find out more and to schedule a free partial denture consultation appointment at our office in Dolton, IL.