Pleasant Dental® is more than something that sounds nice to us. After all, no dentist would say, “We provide ‘unpleasant dental’ care!” Our team in Dolton, Illinois, lives up to our name with easy, fast, affordable, and painless treatment. Investments in the “latest and greatest” technologies help us provide the utmost pleasant, professional care.
Modern dental lasers can be used to treat many oral diseases and problems. Plus, we can use these handheld devices for the safest, most precise, and optimal treatment of oral conditions.
As an alternative to traditional cutting and surgical instruments and techniques, lasers:
- Support super-fast treatment
- Give better results
- Result in less overall discomfort
- Are very efficient without sacrificing effectiveness
- Minimize pain afterward
- Are associated with less swelling
- Support faster healing
- Don’t require numbing anesthetic (because it’s a painless process)
- Don’t require stitches (as a “low-touch,” “no-cutting” procedure)
We can use lasers for general dentistry, as well as for periodontal therapies and surgical or more complex procedures.
Our professionals precisely target and direct the therapeutic light-based energy from the laser device to the treatment sites. Depending on your needs, this powerful yet safe energy can be directed toward the gingival tissues or gums to reshape an uneven gum line or to remove excess tissue, which can create an overly “gummy” smile.
Using modern lasers, sores, and other gum issues can be treated in a low-risk and fast way. Laser dentistry can even be used in conjunction with deep cleanings to help treat active gum disease.
We could go on and on about all of the applications of lasers at Pleasant Dental® and all of the ways our patients appreciate them. But why don’t we show you all those benefits instead?
Schedule your visit or reach out to us with questions by calling our office in Dolton, IL, at (708) 576-1900.