Gum disease is not so pleasant. In fact, it is one of the most frustrating conditions that our Pleasant Dental® dentists deal with on a day-to-day basis. The symptoms are either non-existent or easy to ignore early on when the disease hasn’t caused damage and can be successfully managed without invasive treatment. At this stage, […]
Have you been struggling with sore gums lately, or even for a long time now? You might have periodontal disease. While it might be scary to have this oral condition, you can get treatment for periodontal disease in Dolton, IL, by a trusted dental professional. Before tackling what treatments are available, let’s first jump into […]
Gum disease is a very common issue affecting tens of millions of Americans every year. It is easy to ignore the early gum disease symptoms because they typically seem mild – perhaps you notice some swelling in your gums or bleeding when you brush your teeth. However, if left untreated, early gum disease (gingivitis) progresses […]
How healthy is your mouth? Unless you’ve been evaluated by a dentist recently, you may not know the answer to that question. If you look in the mirror and see straight, white teeth, you probably think all is well. What you may not see are the ever-so-subtle signs of infection separating your teeth from your […]
I have had my teeth cleaned before. They scrape the tartar off of my teeth and polish them up. Then I’m on my way. So what is the point of a deep cleaning? A fair question and one that I get in some fashion or another. The fundamental difference lies in WHY the cleaning is […]
What is gum disease? Let’s start at the beginning, with bacteria and other microorganisms colonizing around the base of the teeth. Gradually, inflammation causes gum tissue to separate from the tooth roots, creating a deep, infection-filled pocket. The infection can gradually spread to the bone, and begin eroding it. Eventually, the tooth can become loose […]
Are your gums healthy? Before you answer that question, you might want to check with your dentist. This simple fact is, without a professional diagnosis, most people don’t know that they have gum disease until it has already done serious damage. Without treatment, this insidious infection can lead to the loss of natural teeth along […]
Periodontal disease is a serious concern. It is important that patients in the Dolton, IL area take good care of their smile to avoid the development of this condition. However, when it forms, it is essential that a professional provide appropriate treatment and assist them in maintaining a healthy smile afterwards. Periodontal disease, also referred […]
Dr. Dean Dietrich in Dolton is a quality dentist who wants his patients to understand the importance of healthy teeth and gums. At , he emphasizes the need for taking good care of the smile every day, while maintaining recall visits with their dentist. Oral health is essential for many reasons. Not only can it […]
Gum disease is a serious issue that can affect the health and appearance of the smile. Dr. Dean Dietrich of in Dolton, IL encourages patients to take the time to learn about this condition, the symptoms that present, and discuss with their doctor effective treatment when it has been diagnosed. What is gum disease? Gum […]
Periodontal disease is a common dental problem. However, Dolton area patients can avoid the development of it with oral health care. Oral care includes regularly brushing and flossing the teeth after every meal to avoid the development of plaque and tartar. Oral care also means regular visits to the dentist for cleanings and examinations to […]
Gum disease begins with plaque, which forms in everyone’s mouth. Ideally, it is removed regularly, and does not have the opportunity to cause disease. However, plaque often lingers too long for reasons such as infrequent professional dental care, lax hygiene habits, and dental problems that make brushing difficult, such as cavities or crooked teeth. Although […]