At Pleasant Dental® , we focus on providing comprehensive dental care in a professional and welcoming environment. You can guarantee that you will receive gentle treatment, personal attention, and the highest level of professionalism from everyone in our office. From the initial visit through the entire course of your treatment plan, we give every patient our best.
A few of the dentistry services provided by our friendly and helpful team in Dolton, IL:
Root canals have long been one of the most dreaded dental procedures. The truth is, the procedure is quite routine, and most patients leave the office saying it was nowhere near as bad as they thought. If you have a tooth that is tender when you put pressure on it, swelling of your gums, or a large cavity in a tooth, you may need a root canal.
One of the best parts of our job at Pleasant Dental® is restoring our patients’ smiles. Dentures can give you a natural smile and help restore your ability to eat and speak normally. If you are missing some or all of your teeth, dentures or partial dentures may be a good option.
Crowns are a way to restore teeth that have been damaged or teeth that have undergone root canal treatment. A cap is placed over the impaired tooth to protect it from further damage or decay. Crowns can also be effective to make cosmetic modifications to a misshapen or discolored tooth.
If left untreated, gum disease can cause you to lose some or all of your teeth, and the key to keeping this from happening is early detection. Regular 6-month checkups with Dr. Dietrich will ensure that any potential gum disease is caught early. Treatment, when needed, is generally started with a deep cleaning, called scaling, that will remove the plaque and tartar from the teeth and gums.
Anyone who has experienced a severe toothache knows the pain can be excruciating. We allow room in our schedule every day to handle dental emergencies, so make sure to call our office at the first sign of one.
For quality dentistry services from a caring and trusted office, call us at Pleasant Dental® today. (708) 576-1900.