Toothaches are among the most common dental complaints, and they have a wide variety of potential causes. They include:
- Cavities – Large or deep cavities can expose the nerve inside of the tooth, causing extreme sensitivity or toothaches.
- Damaged dental pulp – The soft tissues, including nerves, in the center of a tooth are known as dental pulp. If it becomes injured or infected, it can lead to pain, sensitivity, abscesses, and other problems.
- Fractured or broken tooth – If you break a tooth, you probably expect it to hurt. However, you may not know that hairline fractures, even those too small to see, can cause problems ranging from dull throbbing to unbearable aching.
- Failing dental restoration – Dental fillings, crowns, and other restorations are placed in such a way that bacteria is sealed out. However, if that seal is compromised or the tooth fractures, you may have cavities forming behind the dental materials, where you don’t even see them.
- Trauma – Any kind of facial injury in the mouth area has potential to irritate or damage your teeth. In this case, the pain may be temporary or it may be a sign of tooth damage.
- Malocclusion – Crooked teeth or misaligned jaws can cause the pressure from chewing to be distributed unevenly.
- Bruxism (clenching or grinding teeth) – For many people this is a subconscious habit in times of stress, and during sleep. Although you may not even realize you are grinding your teeth, the excessive pressure can make them sore, as well as causing jaw pain.
- Exposed roots – Gum recession, typically caused be periodontal disease, can leave the surface of tooth roots exposed. Because the outer layer on the roots is not as hard as enamel, it is less protection against cavities or temperature-related sensitivity.
- Wisdom teeth – Also called third molars, these teeth erupt much later than other teeth, and there may not be enough room. Although wisdom teeth are not usually problematic, they can crowd nerves or other teeth causing pain.
- Sinusitis – The upper tooth roots are near the nasal cavity, so inflammation in this area can cause pain or sensitivity that feels like it is originating in the teeth.
Because dental problems tend to be progressive, it is best to see a dentist before the pain becomes unbearable. Call (708) 576-1900 and schedule an appointment at Pleasant Dental®
in Dolton.
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